When can I increase carbs again?

You've got to work out what keeps your line flat. As you go through the programme, your metabolism will handle carbs better.

There’s a light at the end of the reducing-carbs tunnel.

Limbo guides you to improving your metabolic flexibility - your body’s ability to switch fuel sources. After the early parts of your programme, you’ll be able to find your way to a carb-conscious way of eating without putting on weight or stressing your body too much.

You start Limbo with reduced capacity to handle carbs

If you have been struggling with your weight for some time, your body will be struggling to process carbohydrates. You may be producing lots of insulin, but your cells can not take up any more glucose, and so your blood glucose levels remain high.

The good news is that by giving your body a break from carbohydrates while being in Limbo, your cells have a chance to recover. As everyone is different, the time it takes to repair your insulin responses varies. You can see how you are doing by eating a small amount of complex carbohydrates and watch your blood glucose response. If you get the rapid spike which stays up, then your are probably not ready to start re-introducing carbs. If you get a slower rate of increase then your body is coping.

When will you be able to increase carbs?

Limbo doesn't recommend a specific daily allowance for carbs. Instead it wants you to use your line as a guide. Carbs will increase your energy state (blood glucose) rapidly and potentially make your line spike.

You'll work out when you can increase carbs from your line's reaction, but probably after you've made significant progress towards your goal.

When you have no spikes in your line, you could try gradually re-introducing more complex carbohydrates, but be aware that this will slow progress towards your weight loss goal.

However, this does not mean you can go back to high amounts of simple carbs and sugars. A slow reintroduction of complex carbohydrates is best and processed carbs should always be avoided.  Bear in mind that your body will also change from day to day, and that if you start reintroducing carbs it will stop progress towards your weight loss goals.  

Are you going to eat toast for breakfast every day after Limbo? Probably not. 

Will you enjoy a piece of cake now and then without shame, guilt or fear that all the weight will come back? Seems pretty likely. 🙂