My line is erratic, or randomly missing data

If you've just put a sensor on, this is normal, please wait 48 hours before going further. Otherwise, please go through this checklist

Sensors can take up to 48 hours to warm up and provide accurate readings. If your sensor is older than that, please go through these steps in order

1. Restart your phone

This often fixes most issues.

2. Check the transmitter

The most common reason is that the transmitter isn't clicked firmly into the sensor.
Please remove the transmitter by pressing the ridges along the sensor and unclipping. Wipe the circuit connector of the transmitter with a tissue or cloth (even a q-tip with a dab of vinegar works well) and reconnect.

3. Check Bluetooth and WiFi is on

Please check your data and bluetooth settings, and restart your phone.

You have two settings to check. First make sure this is on (green)

Settings > Bluetooth 

Secondly (and most importantly!) go to this and make sure Limbo is on (green)

Settings > Privacy & Security > Bluetooth

4. Disconnect and reconnect the AiDEX transmitter

Go into your profile section, navigate to the AiDEX transmitter, and click on the 'x' to disconnect.

Close the Limbo app, by swiping up from the bottom of the screen.

Check you have the latest version of the Limbo app, by going to the app store and searching for Limbo Revolution

Restart your phone

Open the Limbo app, it will go through the set up instructions. Select AiDEX, and click to confirm the transmitters serial number. Continue clicking until you see pairing.

If this doesn't work you need a new sensor!