Ketosis and fats - If I'm aiming to be in ketosis, does it mean I should considerably increase consumption of fats?

No. Prioritise protein and be conscious of your overall energy load.

The body's normal status once it is in post absorptive state (all food digested, absorbed and assimilated) is to go naturally into ketosis. Ketosis is the body's way to access its stored energy once in the post absorptive state. But the term ‘ketosis’ has been hijacked and people get confused about it.

If you’re looking to lose weight, the goal is to stay in ketosis (which you can do by avoiding carbohydrates. It takes very little dietary carbohydrate to turn off the ketosis process, while fat and protein don’t do so as easily because they are indirect sources of energy.

All fat-burning weight loss requires ketosis and it’s easy to get into. But the ‘keto’ diet movement makes it sound difficult. Keto diets tend to encourage people to fuels themselves with dietary fat first, while eliminating carbohydrates. That’s not what Limbo does. We’re looking for you to make nutrient dense, protein positive and carb conscious food choices.

You might increase your consumption of fats if you’re eating fewer carbohydrates, but we’re really looking for you to prioritise protein in your choices rather than fat. It’s worth keeping an eye on how much fat you’re consuming as you change the way you eat. Although it won’t spike your blood glucose (only carbs do that), it will increase your overall energy load.