Hangovers - can they elevate blood glucose?

They can, by increasing your cortisol levels.

We sometimes talk in Limbo Life about how alcohol lowers blood glucose by interrupting some of the processes your liver's trying to complete.

However, drinking (particularly regular drinking) is going to increase cortisol levels. Cortisol is likely to have a knock on effect on your blood glucose level and elevate your line for a while.

Other bad news for hangovers during weight loss

🚰 Water is the thing that helps your body sort itself out when you've been drinking alcohol.
πŸ“‰ If you've been losing weight, your body has been in mild ketosis. 
πŸ”‹ It means you've probably got less stored glucose – glycogen – in your body (a good way to lose weight).
πŸ’§To store glycogen, your body also stores water (1 part glycogen to 3 parts water) so you've got less in your system than normal.
🚰 Drink water between drinks because hangovers suck and at least you'll reduce the effect.